As we have mentioned recently, a lot is going on in the Fund, so this time we are working at full speed! Four new companies have joined our investment portfolio.
1. Z-RAYS: The subject of the project is to create an intelligent solution for efficient and ergonomic monitoring of the mainframe environment in real time in order to optimize the efficiency of IT work and improve the time of fixing problems during the operation of mainframe systems. The monitoring will be done without significant impact on system performance and without significant additional consumption of system resources with the support of Machine Learning algorithms.
2. WalkSee: A tool for creating virtual walks using only the user’s smartphone. The technological heart of the product innovation will be the “e-statement”, a software solution for 360° spherical image acquisition using a regular smartphone camera. This technology captures high quality images, mitigating the problems associated with imperfect human motor skills, so that the combined images give a full 360° spherical image of the room without imperfections.
3. MMPay: (System for the detection of forgeries on documents): The subject of the project is a system for the detection of forged documents using a mechanism of artificial intelligence, which detects elements that have been modified or forged invisible to the human eye (e.g. by mixing fonts in a single document, pasting single letters and/or words in place of real ones, forging signatures by pasting them from other documents etc.). As a result, the system will discover patterns in invoices and analyze the document as an image to extract suspicious areas indicative of possible forgery.
4. ATS Technology: The subject of the research project is a new Ultra Convenience sales model, implemented in an
innovative mobile shopping container /pavilion, for which it is possible to achieve an average monthly profitability at the level of operating profit, higher than 5%. The aim of the R&D project is to verify the functional, technological and business assumptions of a new concept of 24/7 and unmanned sales based on a modular container store – Ultra Convenience.